Business Identity Package

  • Requires Office Suite or Virtual Office
Custom WebsiteContact Forms, Website Hosting is included, with access to you if you want to add or remove pages
Live ChatWe’ll enable Live Chat on your Website
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday Answering Service
Content CreationCreating high-quality content for your website or blog to attract and engage visitors.
Domain NameDomain name is included(non premium)
Custom Email Addressget unlimited email for you and your employees
Additional Charges may apply based on your need,
5GB Email Storage is Included
LogoCustom Logo for your website
E-commerce SetupSetting up an online store to sell products or services directly from your website.
Website MaintenanceOngoing maintenance and updates to your website to ensure it remains functional and up-to-date with the latest web technologies.
Social Media SetupSetting up social media profiles for your business, including designing profile pictures, cover photos, and initial content.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)This involves optimizing your website to rank higher on search engines like Google, which can increase your online visibility and attract more visitors to your website.